Article: True courage is to fight with the invisible enemies
"True courage is to fight with our invisible enemies"
By Dr. Soubia Ahmed
Life races by like an arrow; the World has turned from the stone age to the flying age of Technology. Every individual is engaged in oneself or in his work. One doesn't have a second to sit and contemplate in nature and surroundings but in spite of such a fast track there are some bodies which are working against our health. These may be some materialistic or something spiritual and are our invisible enemies. Here I am going to discuss some of the hidden nemesis and how to get rid of them.
1. Bacteria and viruses
These are the microorganisms which make us ill. But they can only infect us when we provide them a chance to do so. Unhygienic environment, lacking baths, dirty houses, schools or parks call them to attack.
Prevention: Cleanliness is a part of faith of a believer. Get your hands washed properly whenever you come from outside. Also, after using toilet and before eating.
- Clean your home and utensils before and after use.
- Eat thoroughly cooked food and wash the raw fruits and vegetables before eating. Keep your food stuff covered.
- Put on a handkerchief or tissue paper when you sneeze or cough.
- In the current pandemic wearing mask, social distancing is necessary too.
2.Lacking mental health:
There is no health without mental health.
Actually, there are some evil spirits which always move around and try to harm us. In order to get prevention from demon, we must keep our bodies as well as our minds clean. Engage in some positive activity. Reading, writing, painting, gardening, having pets should be encouraged. Avoid flapdoodle plus unethical videos and literature.
3.Evil of night:
There is evil of the darkening and it comes with darkness. Night awakening and night time working & gathering has become a custom in our society. Although science has proven it that early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
4. Envies:
Today where social media has brought us closer to each other, we have adopted a negative side of it too. As we look around us, there are a lot of status on Facebook which shows what one is doing, where is he/she traveling to and how much fun is there. There is a status which tells how much higher grades one is achieving. This way we make our own enviers. Enviers may lead to its possessor to inflict physical harm on the person whom he envies. Allah orders the believers to seek refuge from the evils of an envious person. So, from our side, we should not exhibit all our blessings to everyone as we don't know the negative emotions one can have.
In the end, I conclude that it is more difficult to sort out these hidden figures and to fight with them, so it is better to have prevention as prevention is better than cure.
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